Caring for your synthetic yoga mat
The tips in this article refer to the kind of mat we sell in the YogaShop. They are synthetic but far from single use. They also have the ideal surface for postural practice, with just enough stickiness to keep you safe, but not so much that you cannot move and adjust your feet, also to keep you safe. We've noticed that some of the expensive varieties are so sticky people cannot make much needed adjustments in a pose, and that is not good. We've also noticed that some of the really cheap types that retail for a song have scarecely any grip and are too spongy for good balance. Ours are inexpensive, and will last for years, especially when you follow these tips to care for it.
Wash your mat
To get the ideal sticky surface we recommend washing it when it is new. You can do this by tossing it in your washing machine with a little laundry detergent. YES! Wash it in your washing machine!
Choose a short gentle cycle with cool water.
They do absorb a lot of water so pick your day for ideal drying and not just before you want to use it. When it is washed, hang it outside to dry.
From time to time you can repeat this. Tossing it the machine will clean it and restore the surface.
Ongoing maintenance
In between times it is a great practice to spray it regularly with a mat cleaning product and wipe it down. You should choose a product that is not too harsh but which has ingredients that are anti-bacterial and freshening. You might want to check out our own recipe.
Your mat should last a long time
It is a synthetic material but it should last a long time. If you do decide to retire it, think of ways that you might repurpose it rather than sending it straight to landfill. Here are some suggestions.
- under anything that you do not want to slide such as:
- the microwave
- floor mats
- the dog bed
- drawer liner under the drawer compartments
- dogs and cats often love to lie directly on them so pop it in a sunny spot for your furry friend