better than a mug of coffee, same price

Drop into Thursday's 6pm Everyday Yoga class with Frank,
and pay just $5.

This offer is not available online. Just come to class with your $5 in hand.

Only to the end of June 2019

Anyone can use this offer once. But if you are new to the studio ...

We will extend to you our $25 Intro pass if you purchase it over the counter or on the phone (the system will not sell it to you online as you already purchased this class, but we have ways to trick it). The $25 pass gives you unlimited classes for one month at our ongoing classes.

Only 6pm Thursdays to the end of June

About Frank and his class

Frank has been a student of yoga for 15 years and a yoga teacher for the last 5 of those years. His first experience of yoga was at Yoga Spirit Studios with Rebecca Richards and Yoga Spirit Studios was his yoga home until he graduated from the Yoga Spirit Studios Teacher Training Program under the guidance of Rebecca Richards and Neal Ghoshal in 2013. Since that time, he has been teaching hatha yoga at Sandra Bryant’s lovely studio, Essence of Yoga in Valley View, with the occasional visit to Yoga Spirit Studios. Frank joins the Yoga Spirit Studios staff, returning home to his yoga roots.

Frank loves to explore our edges in our movement practice, as we meet ourselves and test our limits, holding our warrior, testing our strength in plank, we find our still centre in movement and in life.