How Uncertainty Can Be An Opportunity For Growth
It is not without reason that yoga has been called the voice of the soul, where you can communicate with your inner self. As the pandemic set in the uncertainty of the future, our mat became our haven!
Let's explore how our Yoga sessions help to deal with these uncertainties of the COVID-19 pandemic-
Learn to Handle Challenges
It's incredible how the inner spiritual work with yoga, helps to prepare us for challenges in the outside world. When you focus on your inhalations, exhalations, and any sensations that come up during a yoga sequence, you retrain your brain. This helps to remain in the moment; not dwell in the past and not rummage the future.
Uncertainty Leads To Growth
A steady inner life leads to steadiness outside. Various yoga postures help in developing a sense of balance and muscle and core strength. All this is paramount in developing concentration and resilience in our nature, something that doesn’t come naturally to the human being. We recommend the warrior posture, the half-moon, the bridge lift, the seated fold, the tree posture, to start with. The key is to hold these positions as long as possible and then keep building on that time frame.
Practicing Mindfulness
With Yoga, the great advantage is that you can control your mind, breathe, and even anxiety levels. Mindfulness is the ability to remain in the moment and absorb the reality of what’s happening around you. So, practicing yogic asanas and breathing exercises strengthens and even activates our innate ability to be mindful. The outside world might be in chaos or standstill. But then our inner universe can find its balance.